Part of my job as a therapist is to empower people to make changes to better their lives. One of my favorite sayings is... "to change, all you have to do is to do something different". The first time I heard that, I thought how simple it sounds. Yet, when most of us embark on the journey to making a change in our lives, that simplistic idea can become a huge mountain!
Life changes daily at such a rapid pace. Especially when it comes to things like technology. Change makes us feel like we are on shaky ground... our stability is is gone and fear sets in as we begin to wonder if we can navigate through the change(s). I truly believe that is why most of us are such creatures of habit... our habits/routines provide us comfort as everything around us is in a constant state of change.
So, when we embark on trying to change something, like trying to eat healthier, it can seem so daunting!
I have attained a lot of the goals I've set for myself over the years. Goals are changes that we choose to try to implement. I've learned many tricks to attaining goals/managing changes that I'd like to share with you so that you can navigate the changes that are forced upon you and be successful at the changes you choose to reach your goal.
Change is a process, not an event. Yet, we live in a society of instant gratification, so that when a change doesn't happen as fast as we want it to, we give up. So, the first step is to change your thought process to where you see a change as a series of small steps rather than this grand event that happens almost instantly.
One thing I've learned while going through personal changes is that one of the greatest things about the process is the actual process. I discovered many things about myself that both invigorated and scared me. The invigoration motivated me more, the fear taught me that being afraid is ok and that I could get through it...
Next post: What are the small steps to change?
'Til next time... stay positive...
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