Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Don't lock yourself in...be open...

When most of us try to implement changes in our lives, we often come up with a "plan" on the steps/actions to take towards making the change or meeting the goal.  We then think that locking into that plan and following the steps you've come up with is the best way to get to your destination.

Listen to me... amazing things happen when you throw away the plan!!  So, how do you get to where you are going without a plan?  Well, I think there should be somewhat of a plan but you cannot set it in cement and think that the only way to your goal is through that plan.

Getting there is more about your state of mind than the actual steps to get there!!  One more time.. it's more about your state of mind than the steps to get there!!   It's only taken me 47 years to learn this...

When moving towards I goal, my first action now is to imagine what it would feel like once I reach the goal... this is critical.  Somehow the universe picks up on those vibrations and will begin to set things in motion to align the people, places, and things you need to reach the goal.   This is the exact reason why we cannot be married to the plan; when you are married to the plan, different vibrations are sent out to the universe and those vibrations will actually interfere with the universe making things happen for you... you may still get what you want, but there may be so much struggle involved in getting there that you don't recognize that you've received what you've asked for OR you won't appreciate it.  Think about it this way, have you ever received something you wished for only to feel deflated/disappointed once you got it?   Trust me on this one, that's because it came to you via the complicated plan you devised and tricked yourself into thinking that's what you need to reach your goal.

Here are the 3 things I'd like you to try when setting your next goal:

1. Visualize:  Imagine what it feels like when you get to that goal... either draw on similar past expereinces in reaching a goal OR play pretend in your mind (go to your inner child).  Use your imagination and think what it would look & feel like to be at your goal.

2.  Gratitude:  Practice an attitude of gratitude daily.  Look around every day and be thankful for the things you have in your life, no matter how small.  We take a lot of things in our lives for granted, especially the simple things.   An attitude of gratitude creates positive energy vibrations that go out to the universe.

3.  Positive affirmations:  Practice affirmations daily.   As an example... if you want to lose weight, here is a positive affirmation for weight loss:  I am at my ideal weight and feel great!!  Notice that the statement is in the present tense and is said as if you've already reached your goal.  This is critical...

These 3 things will help you to reach goals much faster and with much less effort than you ever anticipated!!  Trust me, try it!!

Think postive, be positive!


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