Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Mastering changes you don't want or expect...

Ah yes, whether we like it or not, we are bombarded daily with so many changes.  It can be daunting and wreak havoc with our stress levels.

How do you manage change when it broadsides you out of nowhere?  Our bodies often go into fight or flight mode when changes are big or difficult.  This is an actual chemical reaction of the body that sends signals to the brain to stay and fight a situation or run away from it to save ourselves.

Learning to manage the fight or flight response is recognizing that you are feeling this way when experiencing a change and also learning that you can respond differently....

For some reason, our brains often tell us that change is bad and the fight response is triggered and here's where our stress levels go through the roof!!  We start to scramble to find ways to resist or modify the change.  Then we start making a plan to do so (same type of planning I mentioned in the previous post)... this can often set us up for failure/disappointment which continues to skyrocket our stress level.

How do you avoid this?  Learning how to accept the change rather than resist it, is the path to much less stress.  How do I know this is true?  Think back on the many changes in your life that you thought were so horrific... I pretty much guarantee that at least some of them put you into a better space in your life; we often don't see this until we are way past that dreaded change.  Imagine how much stress you could save yourself if you had just realized the possible benefit of the change at the time it happened?  Seriously. Think about it! 

So the next time you are blindsided but an unexpected (seeming awful) change... say to yourself, "this change is good (even though you may not see at the time), I will be fine".   Try to say this with a lot of belief and conviction.   This is a positive affirmation (as mentioned in the previous post)... this will send positive energy out into the universe and the universe will smile on you and create situations that you never, ever imagined could happen that will help you to manage that change with ease, and more than likely will put you into a much better situation. 

As a side note:  Monitor your thoughts carefully, the universe listens to your thoughts and then creates energy to bring those thoughts to you.  Hence the expression, "be careful what you wish for"... chances are the difficult change you are experiencing at this moment is a result of something you wished for, you just don't recognize it because it showed up in a package other than the one you envisioned in your mind and you can't "see" the upside of the change as it happens - the good part of it comes much later on!!

Another great reason to "think positively"!!


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