Friday, November 25, 2011

How our thoughts create our reality...

So, when is the last time you decided to make a change in your life and what was that change?  Did you want to lose weight, stop smoking, have better relationships, continue your education? 

How successful were you in reaching that goal? 

Long before we actually start the process of reaching a goal/making a change, our brains go through the process of weighing out the likelihood of our success or failure.  The thoughts that are created as a result of that process better determines the likelihood of success or failure.  Our thoughts create energy and whatever that energy is, the universe picks up on it and "creates our thoughts".  So whether or not you take action towards the change depends more on that early thought process than the steps towards the goal.

Don't get me wrong, the action steps are a very important part of the change process, but those initial thoughts (conscious or unconscious), play a key role in your success.

Think about a goal you've wanted but struggled to reach.  Now go back to your thoughts regarding making the changes to reach that goal...  be honest.  Most of us tend to lean towards the negative thoughts - even if you think you are a positive person, this can be tough.

As I said before, those early thoughts create universal energy that signficantly impacts our ability for success or failure.  Even worse, if you go and tell people your plans, they will often reinforce your negative thoughts with their negativity by telling you how hard it is going to be which sabotages your efforts to reach your goal.

In reaching my goals, I've learned that it is just as easy to think positive thoughts about how to get there than it is to think the negative ones.  Yet, it can feel challenging to do this.  This is because that negative energy is so much stronger than the positive ones.  But when you focus on positive thinking more often, you will eventually reach a place of finding it difficult to focus on the negative.  The positive energy released from positive thinking goes out to the universe, the universe hears you and you will start to notice people, places, and things put into your path to help you acheive your goals almost effortlessly!!

Next:  Examples of how positivity has helped me reach goals.

'Til next time: Practice positivity!!


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