Tuesday, February 21, 2012

The Bumps In The Road...

Despite my desire to motivate and inspire people to go after the things they want in life, I can tell you this... there will be bumps in the road on your journey.  Hence the saying... "Nothing worth having comes easy".  Don't get me wrong, I've reached goals and as I've mentioned things "lined up" in my life to make it happen, but there was effort and difficulty along the way.  That's why I will always go back to keeping your eye on the goal and the level of your desire to get there.... "ya gotta want it"
In early November, I lost my mom quite unexpectedly which really shook up the foundation of my life.  My dad passed several years ago.  The world looks very different now that both my parents are gone.  I had a recent health scare, had an awesome opportunity that fell through, and I had to let go of someone I cared deeply for...

It sure feels like I keep getting kicked when I'm down... but I have to have faith that it is all happening to put me in a better place in my life.  This brings me back to the Tony Robbins quote from my previous post...  "the quality of your life is in direct proportion to the amount of uncertainty you can comfortably deal with".  There's so much uncertainty in my life right now that my head is spinning.  I keep faith and hope in my heart that this means the quality of my life is soon to increase to a level beyond my wildest expectations.  How that will all unfold is a huge mystery to me...  which can be quite scary at times. This really difficult time has forced me to truly feel my feelings.  Ironically, I came across this quote which actually made me feel much better during some very dark moments:
 "The only way to find true happiness is to risk being completely cut open." ~ Chuck Palahniuk

The good things in our lives are soooooo precious.  Don't take for granted what you think may be part of your life indefinitely.  None of us have any guarantees.  And for whatever may feel really bad right now, remember people's lives can change in an instant (for better or worse) and there are people out there who wished they had your problems instead of their own.  These are even bigger reasons to go for the things you want in life because it's the good stuff that cushions the bumps so that they don't feel like brick walls!!  Let me add this, there is nothing wrong with wanting "things" or money - it is what enables us to have better lives... but put people first, it will come back to you tenfold.  Success is nothing without someone you love to share it with!

And during those really tough times, scream, yell, cry, talk to a friend... feel your feelings because that is what gets you through to the other side!  And I will keep you posted as to when I arrive at the other side...

Stay positive,
Stay true to you,


  1. Wow these are great words of wisdom.
    I will share these sentiments with my clients.

  2. Thanks Victoria... I appreciate your kind words!!
