Sunday, February 26, 2012

What Does YOUR Dream Life Look Like?

So, what is the life of your dreams?  What does that look like? 

The life of your dreams does not mean that you need to be a rock star, CEO of a large corporation, or even a Hollywood celebrity.  The life of your dreams may simply mean that you get to spend more time with your family and work less, take a nice yearly vacation or to have a more fulfilling career.  It doesn't necessarily mean a major life overhaul.
Take some time to sit and think about what you really want for yourself and/or your family and evaluating what things are truly important to you.  Many of us spend our time chasing "things", especially those of which are shiny, new, and expensive... or, we chase money - trust me, I'm just as guilty of this at times as anyone else.

I've been inventorying my own life and some of the things I'm looking at is learning how to work smarter, not harder... spending more of my spare time doing the things that I love... spending time with friends and family along with eating healthier, and better managing my stress.  Overall, I feel I need to re-gain some more balance in my life. 

But don't hold back if you are looking for something on a much grander scale!!  That's ok, too! 
Once you've decided just what it is you desire, then it's time to pretend what it looks and feels like once your life is where you want it to be.  If you have no idea what it may look and feel like, get in touch with your inner child and play pretend in your mind.  For me, I visualize every day what my life looks/feels like when it is balanced, when I'm working smarter/not harder, eating healthier and managing my stress.  I work at feeling those feelings and having those visions every day.  I've done it before with other things in my life and have been amazed at how well it works!! 

We often go the route of taking action steps before preparing your mind for achieving your goals.  When you visualize, it's amazing how the universe will line things up and you will not have to exert yourself as much as you think you do...  However action steps are important, too.  Remember, small manageable action steps always keeping in mind your end result!
Perhaps you know you need a change but are not sure what that is...  so your first step would be doing some inventory of what works and what doesn't in your life.

I will leave you with two great quotes:

         Here is the Divine Dichotomy...
The way to ‘get there’ is to ‘be there’.
Just be where you choose to get!’
It’s that simple.        ~Neale Donald Walsh

What you focus on with your thought and feeling is what you attract
into your experience.  ~Law of Attraction quote

Stay positive,
Stay true to you,

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