Sunday, February 12, 2012

Excuses... what are yours?

Perhaps the biggest obstacles making changes in our lives are the excuses we create (yes, create) to keep our wants/desires just beyond our reach.

I've learned that there are two basic reasons why we make excuses:

     1.  We don't really want it (the goal).
     2.  We don't want to do the work required (to reach the goal).

Yup, all the responsibility of attaining our desires lies with us (you).
Here's what else I've learned, most of what we want/desire in our lives requires work and most of us don't want (at least initally) to do the work required so it's just easier to find an excuse.  It's only when the desire to reach the goal or make a change outweighs whatever fears/hesitations we have with making that change that we will pony up and do the work.

After my divorce, I went back to school to complete my Bachelor's degree and then went on to get my Master's degree.  I had wanted to finish my Bachelor's degree for years and one of the bigger fears that held me back was my fear of the math classes required to get the degree.  You see, math is my weakness and it takes way more work for me than many people to grasp certain mathematical concepts.  I didn't have to take trigonometry or calculus... it was algebra I and algebra II.  Yet, I had reached a point in my life where my desire to get that degree outweighed (only slightly) my fear of the math.  I made peace with the fact that I would have to work hard at the math in order to get the degree and that if I did not get an A or even a B, it was ok.  The college offered tutoring 4 nights per week.  I spent a couple of hours at tutoring 2-3 nights per week to help me through those classes.  Whenever I became really discouraged, I kept envisioning my graduation day when I finally received my Bachelor's degree!!  

So, when you think about whatever goal it is you want, and those excuses pop up, ask yourself... is it that I don't really want this change or that I don't want to do the work required of me to get there!!

We live in a fast paced society that hooks us into quick fixes which makes it easy to give up once things become difficult.  Don't buy into it...
Once you get past the excuses, it's much easier to take the action steps to your goal.

"If it is important to you, you will find a way.  If it is not, you will find an excuse."

Stay positive...
Stay true to you...


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